When Agile was introduced, 17 years ago, it set out values and principles to guide teams creating software. Since then, countless agile frameworks, tools, certifications, programs and methods have emerged, many of them claiming to be the right approach for transforming entire organizations. These Agile approaches coincide or compete with other frameworks, tools, certifications, programs and methods whose advocates also claim and aim at organizational transformation.

These are the formal initiatives, established and funded by Chief [Whatever] Officers in meetings few of us attend. Top-down programs can provide guidance, but the real work of influencing change happens through interactions, people working with people. The tools and techniques provided by traditional change programs have their place, yet they are not enough. When we know how to navigate the space around the hierarchy and the initiatives, each of us can play a role in creating the future organization.

In this interactive session, you’ll explore ways to identify, promote and amplify the social interactions that nudge change forward in organizations. Jason and Sue will share simple, practical and, sometimes, quirky activities they’ve used or witnessed in organizations where they’ve worked or consulted.

Participants will walk away with ideas to help them:

  • get a clear view what’s really going on around them
  • find and form alliances with like-minded people working for change
  • swim with the power in the organization, rather than against it
  • use their own natural style and strength to influence change
  • work at the edge without stepping over it.

Register for the Ottawa Agile Tour