Upcoming Training, Conferences and Meetups
We offer Agile Coach, Management 3.0, Technical, Agile Methodology Training, and IC Agile Certified trainingUpcoming Training and Events
Course Offerings
Agile Fundamentals
Agile Fundamentals – A Foundation for Real World Agility will introduce you to the what and why of the Agile working style, even if you do not build software. We’ll focus on the agile mindset and the shift in thinking that precedes a successful shift in behaviour. We’ll look at the history of agile, the values and principles outlined in the agile manifesto and the theory and concepts behind the Agile approach to work. Successful completion of this workshop leads to the ICAgile Certified Professional credential.
Next Course:
coming soon! (private workshops available)
Management 3.0
Management 3.0 is a movement of innovation, leadership and management. Management 3.0 is redefining the definition of leadership with management as a group responsibility. It’s about working together to find the most efficient way for a business to achieve its goals while maintaining the happiness of workers as a priority.
Agile Coach Training
Agile coaching may be a new profession, but professional coaching has been around since the early 1990s. There’s a body of practice and knowledge, tested, proven and documented. The organizations that certify professional coaches have established competencies that can be learned and assessed. Successful completion of Coach Skills for the Agile Workplace leads to the ICAgile Certifited Professional – Agile Coaching credential.
Agile Engineering Training
Agile development demands that teams deliver potentially shippable software in, at most, every two weeks. Subsequent iterations build on features from previous iterations. Traditional waterfall approaches are inadequate for iterative and incremental development. Agile Engineering includes technical principles and practices that are essential for building high-quality products incrementally.
Next Course:
coming soon! (private workshops available)
Coaching Agile Transformations
Managers, Change Management Professionals, Agile Coaches and anyone who wants to learn how to effectively introduce and manage change in their organizations. Worried you don’t have clout in your organization? It’s not necessary, forget everything you thought you knew about change management and learn how to become a Lean Change Agent!
Agile Facilitation Training
Facilitation Skills for the Agile Workplace invites you to discover a range of facilitation practices that will equip you, as an agile coach, scrum-master or leader of any sort, to support the diverse team processes you’ll encounter. From exploration to decision making, every group interaction presents unique challenges. In this participative and practical workshop, you’ll explore and practice group facilitation tools and techniques. You’ll learn to design group meetings that engage the audience and result in agreed-upon outcomes. Successful completion of this program leads to the ICAgile Certified Professional – Agile Team Facilitation credential.
All upcoming courses and events
Agile Methodology Training

We prefer to work with you to discover what it is you’re looking for versus providing out-of-the-box, and out-of-context training.
Our training provides ICAgile accreditation, and qualifies for PDU’s and CDU’s where applicable.