My Agile 2013 experiences

Last week I attended Agile 2013. This is my first time attending an Agile Alliance conference. My compliments go out to everyone involved with putting it together.  In particular I’d like to thank all the volunteers who gave up their … Continue reading...

Agile Coach Camp Canada 2013

This past weekend Agile Coach Camp Canada was hosted in Toronto.  I was excited to see so many new faces this year!    While there were many debates about No Estimates, I’d have to estimate about 1/4 of the crowd were non-coaches or practitioners which is...

The Art and Science of Change

I’m sitting here exhausted after a day at The Art and Science of Change followed by an evening of playing baseball with the kids!  Now my brain AND my body need an ice pack. This conference stretched my comfort zone given it’s the first large event outside...

Toronto Agile Open Space Thoughts

Myself and the rest of the Leanintuit crew attended the Toronto Agile Open Space last weekend in Toronto.  As usual it was a mentally and emotionally exhausting day!  I was happy to re-connect with old friends and to meet new ones. This year’s theme was quality...